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well-known URIs to discover metadata

Can we have a `/.well-known/openid-configuration` as described in [RFC8414](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8414) ?

Register a Webhook for events?

Can we register a webhook where certain events are sent to? It would be great to define a webhook that will receive all kinds of events that are happening (Starting a course, completions of courses, pathways, etc.; ratings). Any chance of getting that?

Line breaks in description text.

I know Degreed provides limited support for Markdown in some text fields. Is there a way to force a line break or a new paragraph?

POST /oauth/token failing with error "The SSL connection could not be established..."

I'm getting an exception when calling ``` POST /oauth/token ``` Exception Type: ``` System.IO.IOException ``` The full error message is: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream. I am only getting this error in our QA environment. When running locally or Dev environment, it is working as expected. Both Dev / QA use the same Degreed ClientID / ClientSecrets. Both use <https://betatest.degreed.com/oauth/token> Just need some pointers on common scenarios where this error is being thrown <br> Thank you

[Error] Invalid user identifier on completions API

Whenever we try to make an API call to submit completions for a customer's learner using the completions endpoint([https://base-api-url/api/v2/completions](https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/completions)), we get this error "Invalid user identifier". We are using email as the identifier type and we are getting this error for a lot of learners. I can confirm that all these learners exist on the customers side and are valid learners. Posting below an example request/response body for reference. **REQUEST** ``` { "data": { "type": "completions", "attributes": { "user-id": "[email protected]", "user-identifier-type": "Email", "content-id": "ABC+XYZ", "content-id-type": "ExternalId", "content-type": "course", "completed-at": "2023-10-04T19:11:35.077Z", "percentile": 60.0 } } } ``` **RESPONSE** ``` Client create_course_completion failed: { "errors": [ { "id": "exampleid", "code": "bad-request", "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Invalid user identifier: [email protected]", "source": "[email protected]" } ] } ``` Any help on this will be highly appreciated!